Volume Loss Treatments

With advancing age, the gradual loss of collagen and elastin fibres in the dermis contributes to wrinkle formation. Marionette lines and smile lines, also known as nasolabial folds, manifest as facial volume begins to deplete. As a result, the face begins to look tired, angry or sad even when we are in a fantastic mood. Replenishing lost volume and providing lift are two keys to diminishing the appearance of facial wrinkles, lines and folds. An enduring solution for these common signs of aging can be achieved using our non-surgical, long-lasting treatment option

The product is injected just below the skin's surface and can plump thin lips, enhance shallow contours, soften facial creases, remove wrinkles, and improve the appearance of recessed scars. Importantly, all volume loss treatments used at SydneyWest Aesthetics are not permanent, so you are always in control of how you look.

Dr Ho offers several different products to replace volume loss. All have their own pros and cons regarding use, length of effectiveness, cost, and side effects. Each has its own benefits.

With the help of Dr. Ho and his staff, you can schedule a consultation to answer any questions you may have about which treatment option is best for you.

Sugar-Based Volume Loss Treatment

This is a complex sugar chain that strongly binds water and is naturally found in human skin. It has an excellent safety profile, requires no allergy testing and can also be dissolved and removed should the need arise. This type of product produces natural-looking results and can be used essentially anywhere on the face. It has been shown to give long-lasting correction of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds, typically lasting around 6 to 12 months, depending on particle sizes and molecule structure. The duration is less when used for the lip area.

Calcium-Based Volume Loss Treatment

This type of product not only provides an immediate and visible lifting effect, but it also stimulates your skin's own regeneration abilities - new collagen is produced over the following weeks and months, making your skin firmer and more elastic. It also requires no allergy testing and can be used in most locations on the face except for the lip and undereye area. It is the ideal product for the cheek and midface areas, the chin and the jawline. However, the firmer consistency makes it typically unsuitable for lip augmentation. The typical duration of this product is 12-15 months.

Is there downtime after the treatment?

Immediately after the treatment, there may be some mild redness and swelling. This usually subsides in about 24-48 hours. If a bruise does occur, it can generally be covered with makeup. The incidence of bruising depends on the location and depth of the treatment and the individual patient. It is recommended that you do not book an appointment for these treatments 10 days before any important event.

Special applications:

  1. Non-surgical nose reshaping (non-surgical rhinoplasty)- This is a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgical rhinoplasty. Results are instant; there is no downtime, general anesthetic, or prolonged healing. So, if you are tired of seeing your crooked nose, you don't have to go under the knife for a perfect profile. Instead, Dr Ho can reduce the appearance of a hump, lift the tip of your nose, and even straighten the appearance of your nose. With careful placement, the results can be subtle or dramatic to ensure you are looking and feeling great.
  2. Hand rejuvenation- Although the focus of cosmetic improvement is usually the face, one of the most age-telling body features is our hands. Because the skin on the back of the hands is extremely thin, the loss of fat padding quickly shows all the structures in the hand, the tendons, bones, and veins. At SydneyWest Aesthetics, Dr Ho uses the product to refill the depressions between the tendons and veins so both the bony appearance and the dark colour of the veins are reduced, giving your hands a softer, fuller appearance that signifies youth. The treatment is highly effective and delivers long-lasting results.

It is important to note that the products are classified as Schedule 4 substances of the current Poisons Standard. Therefore, they are regulated as Prescription-Only substances-the use or supply of which should be by or on the order of medical practitioners on a prescription.

Do not forget that although these treatments are aesthetic, they are also medicine. Therefore, all such procedures should be conducted only by the highest medical personnel who have received special training to conduct these or other techniques. Furthermore, it is understood that the procedures have several contraindications, which you should definitely tell the doctor.

Treatment is prohibited from:

  1. Cancer;
  2. Blood diseases;
  3. Autoimmune diseases;
  4. Viral infection in the acute stage
  5. Progressive muscle weakness;
  6. Connective tissue diseases (lupus, scleroderma);
  7. Chronic diseases of the skin (e.g., psoriasis);
  8. Pregnancy and lactation

Contact Sydney West Aesthetics at Merrylands, just next door to Parramatta, and arrange an appointment with Dr. Hugo Ho to discuss your options for volume loss treatments today.


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